La bande dessinée « Lou » véritable succès en librairie, a séduit avec son atmosphère singulière et ses personnages tres attachants, entre la petite fille blonde à l'imagination la créativité débordantes, et sa mère célibataire bordélique mais bienveillante.
Son auteur, Julien Neel, s'est lancé dans l'adaptation pour le cinéma des aventures de son personnage fétiche, c'est ce qui m'a séduit, rassurée et persuadée à le suivre pour la transposition de son univers sur grand écran.
Lou vit dans un monde contemporain, dans une grande ville , qui n'est pas tout à fait Paris , ni Londres , ni Tokyo ..mais un mélange de toutes ces influences..son intérieur est un cocon fait de bric à brac , tres encombré et rassurant..
A l'exception des plans larges sur la ville , tous les décors ont été construits , aux studios de Bry sur Marne, les interieurs tout comme l'exterieur , la rue de son quartier.

lou ! journal infime
The comic strip "Lou" real success in bookshop, seduced with his singular atmosphere and his very charming characters, between the fair girl in the creativity overflowing and her messy but friendly unmarried mother.
His author, Julien Neel, launched into the adaptation for the cinema of the adventures of his character idol, it is what seduced me, reassured and persuaded to follow him for the transposition of his own universe on big screen.
Lou lives in a contemporary world, in a big city, which is not completely Paris, neither London, or Tokyo but a mixture of all these influences .
Her home is a cocoon made by odds and ends, very encumbered and reassuring..
With the exception of the wide plans on the city, all the sets were built, the street where she lives as the interiors, in the Bry sur Marne Studio in Paris.
His author, Julien Neel, launched into the adaptation for the cinema of the adventures of his character idol, it is what seduced me, reassured and persuaded to follow him for the transposition of his own universe on big screen.
Lou lives in a contemporary world, in a big city, which is not completely Paris, neither London, or Tokyo but a mixture of all these influences .
Her home is a cocoon made by odds and ends, very encumbered and reassuring..
With the exception of the wide plans on the city, all the sets were built, the street where she lives as the interiors, in the Bry sur Marne Studio in Paris.

toutes photographies Emmanuelle Jacobson-Rocques